The Colour of the Year: 2017
It’s easy being Green. Every year the hottest colour trend prediction emanates from the company known as Pantone Inc. who lay down the law on which colour/s you'll be wearing and decorating with all year. Their judgement focuses on what their hundreds of clandestine meetings with trend forecasters, world colour experts and fashion gurus produce in terms of defining THE colour of choice for the year ahead. For 2017, as you may already know, it's been voted as a gorgeous shade of green, known as, well, “Greenery!”

(above): Remember these? Every year Pantone Inc. pinpoint which colours you'll be seeing the most in design, interiors and fashion.

(above): Get amongst a Greenery vibe with this interior decor by @AbigailAhern . Those who remember "Baron's" bar in Sydney will totally get this look.
As far as Greenery goes as a colour, you would have already seen this stunning yellow-lime shade of green literally everywhere. Monstera plant-themed wall paper and fabric are ubiquitous this year; even Madonna's twins have been spotted wearing greenery themed dresses at Madge's recent 59th birthday party. Talk about being "on trend."
(above left): Stunning. Estere and Stelle, Madonna's adopted twins, festive in head to toe Greenery themed dresses at Madge's 59th birthday this week in Italy; (right): The Greenery vibe continued with Lourdes, Mercy & Madge herself wearing green themed dresses and accessories, all by Dolce and Gabbana for the Gypsy Style party.
As far as last year's trend in colour, Pantone Inc., based in New Jersey-based, hit the mark accurately with the double-whammy combo prediction of “Rose Quartz” (pink) and “Serenity” (baby blue). It turned out that they were again bang on the mark and sure enough, you couldn't move for seas of pink and blue throughout 2016. Colour fans will note that 2016 was the first time that there was a double-colour selected instead of just the one usual shade. This year, fashion, décor, accessories and the like have been sporting just the one shade of green but when you think about it, there’s so much depth and variety WITHIN the yellow and green hues, it’s like having two colours within a colour anyway.

This year's Greenery happens to be my personal favourite colour so I'm all set. (above): Pantone’s colour of 2017, Greenery. The varying shades of greenery in general are tipped to be omnipresent this year with “Greenery 15-0343” officially leading the way.

(above): Who can forget last year’s splendid dual shades of “Serenity” and “Rose Quartz” on the runway, in interior décor schemes and, sunglasses? During 2017 trend forecasters have been noticing that the global political climate is placing increasing pressure on people so the calming effects of this year's Greenery are a much needed break. Expect to see green everywhere from cars to jewellery to makeup and across every fashion palette. Immerse yourself in the cooling natural beauty. CM (below): The whole shebang: This is the full suggested palette from Pantone for 2017 with Greenery leading the way.